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Health and Wash

Universal Health Coverage (UHC)

Objective: To ensure that all people have access to the health services they need without suffering financial hardship.


  • Policy Development: Assisting countries in developing and implementing policies for UHC.
  • Capacity Building: Providing training and resources to strengthen health systems.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Tracking progress towards UHC and identifying gaps and challenges.

Maternal and Child Health

Objective: To improve the health and survival of mothers, newborns, and children.


  • Immunization Programs: Providing vaccines to prevent diseases such as measles, polio, and diphtheria.
  • Nutrition Programs: Addressing malnutrition through initiatives like Vitamin A supplementation, breastfeeding promotion, and therapeutic feeding.
  • Health Education: Educating communities about maternal and child health practices.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)

Objective: To ensure access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, reducing the incidence of waterborne diseases.


  • Infrastructure Development: Building and improving water and sanitation facilities in schools and communities.
  • Hygiene Promotion: Conducting campaigns to promote handwashing and other hygiene practices.
  • Emergency Response: Providing WASH services in humanitarian emergencies.

Reproductive Health and Rights

Objective: To ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.


  • Family Planning: Providing access to contraceptives and reproductive health services.
  • Maternal Health: Supporting safe motherhood initiatives and emergency obstetric care.
  • Adolescent Health: Promoting sexual and reproductive health education and services for young people.

Health Systems Strengthening

Objective: To build resilient and sustainable health systems in developing countries.


  • Technical Assistance: Providing expertise and resources to improve health governance and service delivery.
  • Community Health Initiatives: Supporting community-based health programs and interventions.
  • Innovative Financing: Exploring new financing mechanisms to support health programs

Clean Water Access Initiative

Objective: To ensure equitable access to clean and safe drinking water for all communities in Canada, particularly underserved and remote areas.


  • Water Quality Testing and Monitoring: Conduct regular water quality assessments in rural and remote communities to identify and address contamination issues.
  • Infrastructure Development: Collaborate with local governments and organizations to build and maintain water treatment facilities, wells, and rainwater harvesting systems.
  • Community Education and Training: Provide training on water conservation, the importance of clean water, and how to maintain water infrastructure.

School WASH Program

Objective: To provide schools with the necessary infrastructure and education to ensure students have access to clean water and proper sanitation, promoting a healthy learning environment.


  • School Infrastructure Projects: Install or upgrade water and sanitation facilities in schools, including safe drinking water stations, toilets, and handwashing stations.
  • Hygiene Education Curriculum: Develop and integrate hygiene education into the school curriculum, teaching students about the importance of hygiene and how to maintain it.
  • Student-Led Initiatives: Encourage and support student-led hygiene clubs and projects that promote WASH practices within the school and the wider community.

Emergency WASH Response Program

Objective: To provide immediate WASH support in response to emergencies and natural disasters, ensuring affected communities have access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene supplies.


  • Rapid Assessment and Response: Conduct rapid assessments to determine WASH needs in disaster-affected areas and deploy resources quickly.
  • Emergency Water Supply: Provide temporary water supply solutions, such as water trucking and portable water treatment units, in emergencies.

Urban WASH Program

Objective: To address WASH challenges in urban areas, focusing on underserved neighborhoods and informal settlements.


  • Urban Sanitation Projects: Develop and implement sanitation projects in urban areas, including the construction of public toilets and waste management systems.
  • Partnerships with Municipalities: Work with city governments to improve urban water supply and sanitation infrastructure.
  • Community-Led Initiatives: Support community-led WASH initiatives, such as clean-up campaigns and water conservation programs, in urban neighborhoods.

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