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Education Programs

Training and Capacity Building

Objective: To provide training and capacity-building programs for educators and policymakers.


  • Online Courses: Offering online courses and e-learning modules on various aspects of education and sustainable development.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Organizing in-person and virtual workshops to enhance skills and knowledge.
  • Policy Support: Providing technical assistance and policy advice to governments and educational institutions

School Feeding Programs

Objective: To improve nutrition and education outcomes by providing school meals to children.


  • Meal Distribution: Providing daily meals to students in schools to improve attendance and learning outcomes.
  • Nutrition Education: Educating students and communities about nutrition and healthy eating practices.
  • Agriculture Projects: Supporting school gardens and local agriculture projects to supply food for school meals.

Youth and Education

Objective: To engage and empower youth through education and skill development.


  • Vocational Training: Providing vocational and technical training programs to enhance employability.
  • Youth Leadership: Supporting youth leadership and civic engagement initiatives.
  • Digital Learning: Promoting digital literacy and providing access to online education resources.

Girls’ Education Initiative

Objective: To promote gender equality and empower girls through education.


  • Scholarships and Financial Support: Offering scholarships and financial incentives to girls to attend school.
  • Community Awareness: Conducting campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of girls’ education.
  • Safe Learning Environments: Creating safe and inclusive school environments that support girls’ learning.

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Objective: To empower learners of all ages to take informed decisions and responsible actions for environmental integrity, economic viability, and a just society.


  • Teacher Training: Providing training programs for educators to integrate sustainability into curricula.
  • Curriculum Development: Developing educational materials and resources that promote sustainable development.
  • Community Engagement: Encouraging community-based learning initiatives that foster sustainable practices.

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